Looking for alumni of Agape Boarding School for Boys in Othello, Washington 1990-1994

I don't have to explain to you what Agape School for Boys was like. I'm just wondering how we all fared after Agape. Pulling weeds by hand on Saturdays, stacking up in the back of freight trucks to go swimming in that disgusting lake, lack of nutritious food, medical attention, and everything else deemed "worldly". At least there were Louis L'amour books.

I was bottom bunk in "Cody's room". Steven was on the bunk above me. Dutch and Enoch were there .. and other's whose faces I can remember but names escape me. Of course the Clemensons, "Brother Brian", Jodi, etc.

Let me know if you spent time on radar hill in Othello outside of Pasco, Washington with us.

Here are some other things I've found over time:

  • https://agapeboardingschooltruth.blogspot.com/2011/07/personal-account-1.html#comment-form
  • https://www.yelp.com/biz/agape-boarding-school-stockton-7


  1. Hey there I remember Enoch ! I was there from Stockton to Othello I need testimonials hit me up at toddmb77@gmail let's chat..

    1. I was there for the last 9 months of the radarhill campus before they were kicked out of Washington

    2. http://chng.it/xfvmysk7 Sign the petition to investigate and shutdown Agape!

    3. I was there with " brother Brian and Allen. They use to beat me and my brother it was horrible and finally one day I lost it and they bought us bus tickets home so I wouldn't encite a riot and make others leave I was done and I'm sorry any of us had to go there

    4. I was also there 94 95 i remember these shitbags Brother Bryan if i ever see him in the real world he is going to the hospital. They took my shoes away for about a year and was on no talking status for about a year , Allens wife had hair on her arms like a chia pet lol ,Bryan was a mental abuser and Frank Burton liked to see kids get beat up literally for no reason

  2. Hello is there still people looking for testimonials. I was at Stockton Missouri from 2009 to 2011

    1. http://chng.it/xfvmysk7 Sign the petition to investigate and shutdown Agape! Also send me your testimony brettwilliamharper@gmail.com . Writing a book exposing all these schools. Fellow survivor here. Attended 99-03

  3. Yup I was there on radar hill it was like military school the bad part about it is I was there because of my grades brother Jason was my floor leader

    1. Jason better hope i never run into him ever ,that guy will get the beating of his life after the abuse he put us through on radar hill

  4. Yup I was there on radar hill it was like military school the bad part about it is I was there because of my grades brother Jason was my floor leader

    1. http://chng.it/xfvmysk7 Sign the petition to investigate and shutdown Agape!

  5. My name is Fred. I am currently the watchman and caretaker at the old Othello Radar Base. I get a lot of questions about the boys school, and I would like to hear from former students. I have had a few show up at the gate, and I let them in for a look. What was the school like?

    1. Hello Fred... i was at the Othello Radar base in 1994 to 1995 and was wondering if i were to come and visit the base would i be able to access the grounds...?

    2. http://chng.it/xfvmysk7 Sign the petition to investigate and shutdown Agape!
      I also have access questions as I need it for journalistic purposes

  6. My name is Peter and i was there in Othello too i went to visit there about 10-12 yrs ago maybe it was my wife an i ..i just had to go back to face the nightmare that place was

    1. I'm not sure if you're the same Pete I remember. Native American. You were my buddy after Joey left.

    2. yup thats me lol but i dont really remember you ....what do you remember about us

    3. You were actually my second buddy after Joey left. You were pretty mellow I thought you were.....mature for your age. Kind of funny in a dry sarcastic way. But I was also weaning off a bunch of medication because they didn't believe in giving medication out. After you were my buddy we didn't hang out much. I hung out with a kid named Jaques from Yakima who had scoliosis. I think you left before the school closed though.

  7. I was there Aaron Bailey I think 93. I also escaped with a guy named Tex

    1. Remember the school. The pace books???? Raising the flags for a question or to use the rest rooms? I remember thinking how many of these books can do I need to finish before I can go home? I remember a skater named Peter who could jump a skateboard over the tennis ball fence. I remember playing tennis all the time. Also, got 5000 push ups for saying the church sucked. The food was good and we got chocolate chip pancakes. You could get a soda for dinner too! Man, this is being up alot of memories!! Steve Wibble was the person I had to follow because the staff thought I was going to escape. I think before I had an older athletic guy named Nyle. He was super good at basketball too! I was in a yellow shirt. I lost my red white and blue one because they were afraid of me taking off. I honestly remember everything about that last day there! When I escaped. My partner that pushed me to run!
      Everyone was in the day room watching Adam's Family. Tex and I had been planning this escape for a while and just waiting for the right time. I was doing lunch dishes. Pots and pans to be exact. Tex came and said now is the time! I was fucking scared and probably would've never left if it wasnt for him. Our plan was to get to a phone and call my mom! My dad wanted me there and my mom did not. In fact I lost my privileges because my mom showed up to get me in announced and the school would not let me go! From that second I wanted out! My only thought was escape! Tex came and said it was time! We ran up to a trailer that was used for another place to eat. It was stripped down to nothing but tables and chairs. We ran though that and out the back door down to the play yard. I remember running by the trampoline and hoping one of the staff would not see us. Their kids would play outside and sometimes they would be away from everyone spending time with their families. We ran through the court yard and under the fence. There was a big drop too! I went under pretty smoothly but Tex got stuck! He was laughing too! Me, I'm like fuck. Were gonna get caught! He got through and we were off into the orchard. They had bins out too! Tons and tons of bins! My thought was to hide in one that way they couldn't see us if they came looking! I'd seen a big party once escape from there and kinda know what they did wrong when they were brought back. Hide and avoid seeing or talking to anyone!!!
      We never could make it to a phone so we took a farmer's truck. We drove it to Yakima and Tex took off from there! I have never seen or heard from him again!
      That place was crazy man. A lot of intimidation and kids also telling on others. 3 minute showers. I think we had to read a bible before breakfast for 15 minutes. I remember working on one of the roofs that had a leak. It was a controlled environment for sure! I'm probably a legend for getting out of there and not captured. I wonder if Steven Wibble got into trouble because I escaped? I wonder if Tex was captured? I'm assuming so because he was from Texas and the drive would be impossible! Good luck to all that were there!

    2. I remember that, we were in the same dorm room. Yeah you were good at basketball too if I remember.

    3. Yes tex was from brownsville Texas he was brought back after you escaped and they treated him like absolute dogshit no clothes they beat him constantly

  8. Wow Aaron Bailey. I remember you. I remember you were really good at tennis. Really good if I remember correctly. I was there for a year and half. I got to leave when it was shut down.

  9. I got there July 8 1995 and walked out on my 18th birthday March 17th 1999 from Stockton mo 4 years of Physical and sexual abuse Absolute h*** would not wish this place upon any child I am 39 now and still have intimate details of what went on in that school while I was there If that's not a significant impact on somebody's life I don't know what is

    1. Yeah Brian was yelling at you the whole way saying that if anyone says anything to you they would be on no talking and have to do push-ups even threatening swats and shift when you left.

  10. I'm allyn rickards i was there 2 years until it closed. I was I've of the lucky ones that left first. Me and rusty rouse. I have memories there that I'll never forget. That place was hell. To think they are still operating is crazy. Now I'm a competitive bodybuilder and doing very well. I fell into hard drugs for most of my life. Been sober for 11 years now. I hope that everyone pulls out of this. You can't let those bastards control your life any more. The fact is they probably don't even remember us. Also what they tought was not christianity. I went along time blaming God for this. God had nothing to do with this. They are a cult using his name for personal gain. I hope everyone realizes this. It's very important. They will get there's in the end. God bless all of you stayon track

    1. Rusty Rouse was my "buddy" when I first got there in '94!

    2. I remember rusty. He got into a fight with another kid named Shannon who was rusty's buddy when he first got there.

    3. Well Allen that place turned my into an atheist. And secondly all I can say is Scott and Graves are rapists. And frank Burton was a sadist. Unfortunately I have an eidetic memory so I remember everything. I didn't turn to hard-core substance but I self harmed for years myself. And got into a lot of fights.

  11. Jay Wagman was my buddy when I got there. The 1st week I got into a fight with Brother Brian. They took my shoes away. This is Ernie. I'm the guy who played the trumpet one time in church.

    1. Taylor Haines was my buddy when i got there ,I was originally supposed to be buddies with Steve until they interviewed me in person and then put me with taylor because they thought i was going to be a handfull, George Marcott

  12. I sent my son here for 2 months around 1996! One of my biggest regrets as a mom! Is this place shut down? If its not we need to get it shut down. "Brother" Brian his mom they were all child abusers. Parents DO NOT SEND YOUR KIDS HERE

  13. Yeah I was there for two years until it closed. My name is Chad Spangler. I remember Matt Thomas(junior staff) Don and Harland Blackburn, Chris and Ben Azary, Jeremy Brown, a kid named Kyle who one staffer threw his watch at and hit him in the face I witnessed that myself, a kit nicknamed rocket. Jason Laski I think his name was. We called him ski. Another kid named Joey who left and came back. The no talking status. Kids who ran lost their clothes except for boxers a robe and flip flops. I was in the Rice dorm then moved to the Anderson dorm. That place was shit. After that I never believed in anything religious again. Tens of thousands of push-ups. No food for days if you didn't complete your school work. Forcing kids to box each other, And or encouraging kids to ridicule those who wouldn't believe their way. The stupid ass do right song.

  14. I was there from October of 93 to February of 94


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